Friday, September 24, 2004


More About Allawi, Respect and Bias

From Mark A. Kilmer's Political Annotation:

The Veep says that JF Kerry said "appalled at the complete lack of respect Senator Kerry showed for this man of courage, when he rushed to hold a press conference and attack the prime minister, a man America must stand beside to defeat the terrorists."

The New York Times opined about "Iraq's appointed leader," who delivered "everything the Bush re-election campaign could have asked for."

"Until Iraq holds free elections," the paper vents, "Mr. Allawi cannot claim to speak for more than the narrow coalition of exile parties that maneuvered his appointment as interim prime minister."

As I pointed out last night, the Kerry people "need the facts to fit a particular pattern for their ticket to win, and when they deviate, they have to be changed or denied." The attacks on Allawi are another example of this.

Read the rest here

Just another example of the unthinking spin the viewpoint the media has...if it's pro-Iraq, pro-'we did the right thing freeing this people' or pro-administration, it just has to be wrong. For those not in a very few states, and peer groups, this is obvious.

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