Thursday, September 23, 2004


Rather Unpleased

Word is that Rather is not happy about the appointment of Dick Thornburg to the panel investigating CBS's improprieties.

Sources close to the network described Rather as "confounded" by the selection of Thornburgh because of his Republican connections; Thornburgh served in the administrations of Richard Nixon and George H.W. Bush.

Rather is known for publicly clashing with both Nixon and Bush the elder, and Thornburgh has a history of clashing with CBS.

In 1989, as attorney general, "he drew the ire of CBS News and other news media organizations when the Justice Department was reportedly considering subpoenas for the telephone records of a CBS News correspondent in an investigation of leaks about an inquiry about a congressman's office," said the Times.

CBS News says the choice of Boccardi and Thornburgh was made by Andrew Heyward, president of CBS News, and Les Moonves, chairman of CBS Television and co-president of the CBS parent, Viacom.

Read the rest here.

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