Wednesday, September 22, 2004


Shameful and Irresponsible

Deroy Murdoch writes:

f John Kerry's skin were any thinner, he would seem contained by Saran Wrap. Criticize the Democratic presidential nominee to any degree, and he responds as if gravely and unfairly wounded, even if he threw the first punch.

"The Bush campaign and its allies have turned to the tactics of fear and smear because they can't talk about jobs, health care, energy independence and rebuilding our alliances," Kerry whined at Cooper Union College in New York on August 24, soon after the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth began broadcasting torpedoes below Kerry's water line. Never mind that Kerry himself placed a mine downstream from President Bush's reelection juggernaut more than six months earlier: "The issue here, as I have heard it raised, is was he [Bush] present and active on duty in Alabama at the times he was supposed to be," John Forbes Kambodia complained last February 8. "Just because you get an honorable discharge does not in fact answer that question."

Kerry now cries anew, like a toddler deprived of his ice cream.

Read the rest here

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