Thursday, September 23, 2004



The GOP has released what they call Chronology of Character Assassination.

It is fascinating. Using published press reports, they recreate the timeline of events.

And where are their sources coming from? Places like Newsmax? Not at all -these are from sources like the Washington Post, NY Times, USAToday...

Read it here

Then go to Blogs for Bush where Mark Noonan has done an excellent analysis of it.
I found particularly telling:

3. At each step of the way in the DNC/Kerry-Edwards attempt to revive the National Guard story, it was a well-connected Democrat who was providing the information to the MSM. The CBS interview with former Texas Lt. Governor Barnes (a gigantic financial contributor to Kerry/Edwards) showed that the Democrats were determined to make the National Guard story come to life again, and that the MSM was playing along with it.


Note that - four days before CBS aired its story, senior Kerry aide Joe Lockhart was talking with CBS' primary source. We have no evidence that they spoke prior to this date, but at the very least Kerry/Edwards had a four-day advance notice of a CBS report which would dovetail into the character assasination they started ramping up about six days before the CBS report.

Obvious collusion between a major news outlet and the DNC.

Blogs for Bush article Here

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