Friday, October 08, 2004


Anti-War protester burns Young Republican's Flag at UNC-Chapel Hill

Reported by the Baby Seal Club:

Ah, the smell of burning plastiweave in the morning. An angry, homeless and apparently demented Democrat "protestor" tried to burn the American flag sitting behind the College Republican display table in the Pit (an area by the Student Union used for displays, soapbox speeches, etc.) Fortunately, the fire was put out and the idiot restrained before any real damage could be done.

When the 40 year old was restrained and taken away for destroying other people's personal property, he said:

"I was trying to call attention to the war and the apathy that surrounds it," Sellers said. "I wasn't really expecting a bunch of people to grab me and restrain me."

Of course, he didn't think about the fact that the flag didn't belong to him, but to the Young Republicans.

The Baby Seal Club puts it this way: These Democrats are really delusional, even to the point of thinking that they should just be allowed to do whatever they want to whomever they want.

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