Friday, October 08, 2004


Good Places for Post-Debate analysis

My favorite, I think is at Hugh Hewitt's blog

Little Green Footballs has some interesting stuff going on in the comment boxes

James Hudnall says this:
give Kerry credit for dropping the most names and throwing around a lot of arguments. But it seemed like he was throwing bombs. Not doing any surgery. What he did was the equivilent of tossing frag grenades at the president, and the room. For mazimum casualties. When he could have hit Bush with something serious, something hard and fatal.

But, in the words of Robert DeNiro in The Untouchables: "You got NOTHING! NOTHING!"

So I have to say Bush wins this one. Kerry put up a good fight. But he lost.

He was not personable. He came off as pompous. Angry. Even a little tedious.

Bush was able to show several different sides of himself and be more likeable. On the issues, it all comes down to which side you believe in, but I think Bush did a better job of defending his side than Kerry. All Kerry did was attack. His own views, as I said, were just a lot of political blather.

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