Saturday, October 09, 2004



In the modern, representational government era, we like to say Power Corrupts.

Once, back in the days of kings and nobles, they would say that Power Reveals the True Person.

I think the American press is a great example of the latter. Time after time, in their crusading, various people in the press get caught with their hands in the cookie jar, doctoring evidence, passing off simulations for reality, passing off forged documents for real, deciding as editorial policy that a sitting president should be attacked hard, while his opponent should be treated lightly.

"But the reality is that MSMâ„¢ are driven more by their desire for control over the minds of Mr and Mrs America than for any ideology." says Bunker Mulligan

Yes, their ideological bent matters. But the Democrats, having made a deal with the Devil, are more in the grasp of MSMâ„¢ than the reverse.

John Kerry cannot be trusted to explain himself. ABC must do it for him. ABC must keep the faith and show America who is really the boss.

The whole crusading PC movement, subverting the feminist and civil rights movement into a leftist, maxist style "you will join us or we will crush you" type movement is all about power. They call for tolerance, they call for diversity, but it's a fundamentalist view that is elitist. "We are the saints of the modern world, " they say, "And you are the sinners with your benighted, ignorant ways. WE will lead you. WE are the ones who know."

And the front line of this cultural war is in the media. And they don't like it that we don't buy into it any more.

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