Wednesday, January 05, 2005


Be Silent No More

For many women, having an abortion was a traumatic experience, born of crisis, fear, sometimes pressure by parents or loved ones, and for many, the post abortion experience is every bit as nightmarish, emotionally or physically - but one the politically correct say she is not supposed to feel.

There are people who know this reality, and are trying to reach out.

Virtue Media is running an ad campaign to reach those women in need, who have hurt and unresolved issues following this experience.

See what they are doing here

If you know someone struggling with this issue, there are some excellent resources available.

I would start with a lovely blog called After Abortion run by two lovely women who know what it's all about.

Check out this book, Forbidden Grief by Theresa Burke

Know that there are people who care, and that the suffering doesn't have to happen.

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